Sunday, September 7, 2008
....when JTV couldn't make an appearance.
Sad to say JTV couldn't make it because the dancers were sick but we will surely see them dance one day for sure. Culture Libre, haha was funny. The funny thing was that he was trying to be serious but everyone saw him as a joker so we kept laughing. HAHA.
IAN? was retarded la. His outfit really sucked to the max because he was too big! I mean his size was super big then with the wig and everything, he really looked ugly.
Service was good really, talking about how we should love each other like a family. All of us belonging to one body as we are all different parts. Come together all :)
Friday, September 5, 2008
things aren't the same anymore.
I was just thinking, sometimes when i'm talking to you it just feels like we've lost it but haha i guess it's still cool yeah. Thanks anyways, time to move on and see what's ahead. Not sure what'll happen but i'll just trust in God and see haha. You were amazing, thank you and really regretted not treasuring you to the fullest. You were a great friend. Full of regrets, but i can't turn back time. So, let's see what happens.
Thanks abigail, for inviting my sister to church! And those who have been asking her, well done.
Keep doing what you're doing everybody, dont slack on your devotions, keep moving on.
Oh yeah, so you think you can dance, i hope everyone will have a good laugh! Haha!
Going to bed soon la haha!
Sunday, August 31, 2008
Sunday Post
Haha well, after church we had T.A.L.L meeting. It was fun especially when Pastor Peter Soh came to teach us stuff about God. Too lazy to type all but after that i went over to Vivo to meet family for dinner which was goood :) 2 of my sister's friend tagged along haha. It was cool.
September holidays are here! weee.!! what are you guys going to do during this holiday? Study? play? Haha. Make sure you worship God and devote your bible reading time to him not because you have to but because you want to yeah.? Bring back the love which you had way way back before. Don't worry i'm going to do that too. :)
see you around? :)
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
the rain isn't helping..
Haha. Been feeling bothered lately by some stuff but i guess the only way to not be bothered is to find Mr God, who helps every one when they're bothered hehe. So.. If you're feeling bothered or depressed be it your exams, i know some of you are, or whatever the reason, turn your eyes to God. Play a song and sing to him. Though your world may seem like it's falling, you must never let Jesus go amen?
I got driving later at 6.15pm. I hope i feel better by then if not i might bang someone. Pray that it doesn't rain man. I am so scared to have to drive in the rain. Haha. Well..
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
come together, touch lives
Friend, i'm not sure what's going on in your life, but all i can say is that we will be praying for you so that you will grow strong wherever you go yes. You won't ever be reading this but... yup! We're still your buddies yeah. Try try try not to be alone, really.
Okay, here i am blogging and getting ready to go to the showers before heading down for driving. After driving, there will be prayer group. Yay! Not many will turn up but it beats not praying for school at all amen? Haha. It will be fun. Okay then. Keep smiling everyone! That's what your lips are for, not just for ulcers.
Hi, back from driving it was good. I went out to the road for the first time. Haha. Learnt a lot of things man. Haha, something funny happened, i was driving and i started slowing down upon seeing the zebra crossing and a maid was trying to cross. I didn't brake all the way, i just slowed down, the maid was scared she didn't cross haha! But my instructor idiot me, he said, " you dont stop she won't dare to cross." Haha. Cute. Okay. Dinner time :)
Sunday, August 24, 2008
the day before monday
Service was good it was familiar but it was still good. One tip for those who cannot really feel God's presence during worship - Close your eyes, think of God, don't sing, listen to the words.
Well... It worked for me, it should work for you! :)
Had some meetings after service before heading down for subway lunch. After a short hang out at subway, took a cab home with Gav, Sean and Junhao. Haha. We had a great time in a cab right ahhahah!
Well, Luke and buddies, you guys left Sean out, he was alone man. And luke, i thought you say that you're busy that's why we couldn't go to the gym! Fake me.... Haha.
Yeah i can't wait for the Night With the Stars! It will be fun really. really. really. Not kidding. Really. But before that i am so scared of the SO YOU THINK YOU CAN DANCE. I still don't know why i agreed to join Mr Thong and Mr Low. Oh well.
Haha. Press on in your studies, you know who you are, dont slack to play games or just waste time but really press on press on. It is worth it i tell you! So please! Don't sleep late too, study as much as you can during the day, get enough rest at night. Don't spoil your sleeping timing if not during the paper itself you will get tired.
See you see you!
Pastor Teo and his sermon about being a superstar..
Then later at 4.30 service began with Culture Spot, Culture Spot was fun, the youth were superb with their sense of touch man, many of them could guess what they were holding. But of course the best reaction would be Junhao's, he was really super mega afraid of the worms that he fogged his glasses while breathing too heard under the Bird Man Covers. Haha.
Service was good, word was good, honoring my gifts and using it for God. I could feel God touching me really. It was amazing. Thank you God for the giftings that you've given me, help me use it for your glory. Amen.
Good to see everyone today:) Don't stop inviting your friends yeah. And live everyday well, have enough rest all :) Bye.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
alpha cell
Cell was alright, good to see everyone again. Hmmm, there's youth tomorrow again, i am expecting God to really really move and touch everyone's hearts again. Come on culture, let's really seek God and be real to ourselves, church shouldn't be a routine nor should it be "fake". Let's really be truthful and seek God, ask yourselves how much you want him, then meet him.
Okay. Thanks for everything everyone. Sleepy already. Sleep early too! :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Saved Gavin's Puny Finger
After which i went back to school to hand up some work that my teacher insisted that i should put my work into a cd and hand it up. Well i did as he wanted then i went to the gym haha since i was in school. Yes. I gymed alone. It was quite surprising actually, there were only a few people there haha good!
After gym i went to vivo as mentioned in the previous post to meet Gavin. Joffre came along too and we talked and had dinner together. We went to various shops to look around, we went to Daiso and i bought this muscle exercise thing for 2 dollars (I didn't know that all the items were only 2 dollars), then we went to some japanese stall to buy ice cream! Yay! Nice. Then we headed to some cute store to check out some stuff which i would buy soon.
Here's what the title's talking about! We were hanging around on the roof ahead of vivo before heading home. Gavin got a splinter in his middle finger, i think he got it by sweeping his hand while trying to act like break dance. BUT don't worry 2 doctors saved his ass. Doctor Tan and Doctor See saved his puny finger, more of Doctor See actually. :) Haha splinter was out! But if you get any infection Mr Gavin, sorry haha (Because i used my super scissors from my pocket knife that has been used to cut everything else before, although i sterilized it with water from the drink but it could still be poisonous).
Well, talking to Junhao and he was telling me about his day, not much just that he went to Bukit Timah Plaza. Hmmm :)
See you all tomorrow! TRY TO INVITE MORE FRIENDS FOR 29th! Come on! It's rare to see stars at night in Singapore! But the night with the stars, you would definitely see some stars! CONFIRM!
Bye. Off to bathe... Weeeeeeeee.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
That's why i am looking for pictures of myself, so if anyone has pictures of me, please send me so that i can edit more pictures. Hmmmm. I came across a very very pretty picture just when i was looking through my received pictures. Haha did some editing to it and wow it looks great.
The wonders of photoshop.
Everything's alright so far, can't wait for september holidays then maybe we can visit Sentosa to play volley or something. Every holiday at least go down once. Haha. Tomorrow i have to go down to school to do some stuff then i will gym in school till about 6 then i'll head to Vivo to meet up with Gavin. So.. Yes. :)
Well, study hard yeah. Well done. :)
OH YEAH, driving yesterday was quite scary, i almost hit the car in front. Well.. i'm still not very confident. WEAK. But i hope after a while i can do it. Haha. Sleep well all :)
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
First Practical Lesson
Lazy to blog for now. But will tell u all about it on friday :)
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Stranger Person
No link -- I don't know her, not even her name. But if i meet her again i will surely talk to her, and invite her to service! YAY!
Okay better rest because tomorrow is the start of a new day. This holidays are mainly for me to read my bible, pray, work out a bit, practise guitar and driving. Alright.
Oh yeah I am still holding on holding on holding on. ;) Study hard but dont get stress man. Especially O students and whoever that is studying. Haha. My sister's chinese got C5..... lol..
Sunday, August 10, 2008
What can i say...
Bowling on the other hand was depressing. ALL BECAUSE I WANTED TO DO THAT HOOK/SPIN SHOT. CAUSED US TO LOSE. SORRY. But. I think that i really don't look like c3po. depressed. -___-
Next year, Pastor, Trojan, i promise that we sure win. PROMISE LA. Okay see you all tomorrow. Haha.
Friday, August 8, 2008
God's Plan not My Plan
Didn't really expect it really. Then the rest of the day was ruined haha i transfered over to Driving school so i had the briefing and all that, had to wait for my turn for registration blah blah blah. Well. Today 08/08/2008 - I just came back from driving centre to get my student card and to apply for my PDL so i can finally sit in a car and hopefully not die.
Quite scary actually driving. When i was waiting for the bus home, I saw many learner driver driving around. I was thinking that if that was me in the car.... i would surely hit the kerb or hit another car..... i got scared. Anyways, i booked some practical lessons and would be starting next week and hopefully i dont die really. I am quite scared.
Just hope driving is fun weeeee. Okay off to lunch then to pack my things for something special tonight. You know it, i know it. What is it. Once again...... signing off as ...
LOVE PRINCE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Haha vina..
Okay i am at home now, getting ready to leave to go for the leaders submit. It's near my place anyway. Near standard chartered. Haha. I hope i don't reach there too early. I'll see you sunday! :)
Thursday, August 7, 2008
it's been a while..
Yesterday i went to meet up with Junhao, we met up and ate dinner. Had a great talk with him. Haha he and his Gelare Girl. It is really nice to talk to people who are so much like you. Somehow the views of the topic becomes so wide.
Okay, my test is at 4.30 to 5.30. After which i am hoping that i would be able to go to the.. gym or something. I don't know because evening is quite a loser timing for that.. Unless maybe Gavin wants to go too. YAY! Hmmm.. I should sms him now. Wait.
Well. Tomorrow would be the leaders submit party! It will definitely be a fun time because all those who are going are not just leaders, we are all friends who love hanging out together. I am looking forward to it, i hope the bed is nice. Random but yes. We love nice beds.
Anyways, keep pressing on for those who are studying especially O level peeps. Give it your best push really.
This was how i motivated myself - I pictured the day i collected my result slip in the hall. And when i received the result slip. What did i want the result slip to show, good or bad results. Would i want to be like those people who collected their result slip and upon getting bad results starts to cry. Or those who have good results and can start jumping and saying yayyyyyyyyyy!
I hope it makes sense to you and i hope it helps you too. :)
Everything is getting better thank you all. Somethings need to be put aside for now, in the future you'll never know what God has planned. ({)
LOVE PRINCE <<<<<<<<<<<<<<< No la kidding. Haha I saw your blog la Vina so i decided to be an ass..
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
....five brothers of primary school.
Just want you to know that i care for you although we don't really talk nowadays but feel free to pop me a call. I might not know a lot things but somehow inside i still feel connected to you. This is really a big part of your life and we are all here for you yes?
Sunday, August 3, 2008
thinking days
I believe it will all sort out soon. Something has to happen. But dont worry, all i want is for all of you to keep growing in Christ, especially the Chi guys. Please study hard for your O levels, get it done with and near year you'll be able to share your experience with the next O level kiddies batch :)
Church was good today. Giving onto God and God would bless you back greatly. Don't give just because you want God to bless you back though. Give because you want to be part of building the church.
Laura - eh friend, i wasn't serious about today, the disturbing and stuff. I don't know if you read but anyways. I was JUST kidding please. If you know me you will know that i am quite idiot and i kid around. Hehe.
Thank you for being always there, when my heart and mind seems to want to go the wrong way or want to be selfish, you always remind me that it's worth it to give up certain things. I appreciate you and i don't want to disapppoint you. And God. Pray for me always and hopefully something good happens in the end. Pray that i really give up the things that i can't. Thank you. Mentor.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Alpha Zone
Haha sometimes hard decisions have to be made to prevent bad things from happening. Make sense? Great to see all of you today.
I hope to see you all tomorrow.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Today, Tonight.
September holidays coming then we'll play yea? Haha. Tonight Junhao's going to be at my house and we will be chionging his project by tomorrow. He haven't EVEN STARTED. It's not some simple project. It is supposed to be a sales website. So..... Pray for me to really know how to do it fast. Junhao don't need la. He so lazy.......... HAHAHA. Kidding Pray for both.
I am getting eye bags la. Ugly. But i am going to try the cucumber technique soon. Maybe it works. If it works you can use it also la. For those eye baggers... Haha. But dont worry you get a hug too ({) and a flower (F).
Well, some people like Junhao won't get eye bags... ; ) Why? Because his eye..... is.... camouflaged. Hehe.
Yesterday i spent quite a bit of money. Eating Gelare with Hao and Joshua.
Okay talk again soon. Play mob wars yeah ? haha. ACCEPT.
wee wee wee
today was alright. Went to Gavin's place after lunch to chat and relax for a bit followed by dinner with hao and joshua. Then now at wee's place, going to bed soon. Let's sleep early. Stop sleeping so late then won't have eye bags lol. Like Junhao.. Haha.
Tomorrow will be a great day. Don't forget to pray. Dont forget my birthday too. Haha.
Weeee. Nights.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
1. Ugly,
2. Painful because the soft skin after the layer that you peeled off is quite soft and painful. Haha.
So.... what to do? Don't peel. Yay.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Good and fun training. Haha. Well. I told you to train right. So you can keep up with me and not SAG in the future. So please train. Haha. I am training so you should too.
Joshua, keep it up keep it up. <3
So.. i'm writing all my thoughts down and saving it in my computer. It's good because like that i can look back. Haha. Pray, Grow, Powerful.
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Saturday, July 26, 2008
God Created Who You Are...
Since God created you, he made you the way you are, your personality.
Always remember that God planned for you to be where you are and who you are.
It's hard sometimes to trust him but just do it. Even if we fail. Pick yourself up and do it again.
God loves you. Be a God pleaser, not a man pleaser. Don't Lose yourself. Always remember who you are and that God loves you no matter what. He loves me i know, i am not worthy of his love but i really want to love him.
He loves you. That's all you need. That's all i need.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Haha. Have fun with your projects guys. Study for your exams i hear that they are approaching. I am so tired.... zzzzzzzzzzzzzz. See you all soon. :)
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Working is boring... Treasure those....
Treasure those who are working in your family to support you. Really, love and treasure them. Studying is hard, trust me working is a waste of time..... but yet people who love you still do it. Why? Simply because they love you. So love them back.
Well, today at gym. DONT LAUGH. I bang my head twice. Pain. One while doing sit ups, the other while training with dumbells. Suck i know.
Alexandra queensway..... AIA Insurance.. Work work work for so long. I don't know if i can make it man. Survive the working helll...... Why do people need to work.
Tomorrow i'll head down to school to finish some work because my supervisor called. After that i'll head down to work again. Life is boring with u have to work.
But after work....... It's gym time with friends from Poly. :)
Who's birthday is coming? MINE IS :) 28th... well this year i'll turn 20. Next year? 21! What's so special about my next year's birthday? 21..? hmmmmm. 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 21 OLD.
Monday, July 21, 2008
End of school, Start of work.
For those who still have school, awwwwwww. Keep studying. We'll play during september holidays yea ? :)
Study hard for all your poly, jc and EVEN o levels. Please study hard. WORK HARD WORK HARD. DONT SLACK OR SLEEP AND MISS STUDYING. Everyone likes to sleep. But please, limit your sleep. Don't end up like snorlax..
Tomorrow i am going to start work at AIA, the one at alexandra road, from 10 to 5 daily. Gym you say? After work la haha. I haven't given up gym yet yay! :) That's what i always talk about right? Don't get bored by gym.
Don't worry this blog is going to be revived again. Postings will be about my daily activities.. Especially work.............. that is coming. GG. :)
Favourite word so far : Oh yeah!
I don't need the money, i just want to fill my days with stuff so that it is not wasted. :)
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Old Guitar
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Friday, June 6, 2008
so i decided to talk to Gordon about it. Yes. He told me to give it up slowly. Then i thought about it and i decided to just give it up yup yup. So i went back and deleted my games and songs that weren't helping me. So yes. I have more time to focus on God by reading the bible more and also practising more of the bass. Woo hoo.
Well, for your sake, sometimes we do sin and fall away from God, but what matters most is that you pray for forgiveness and whether you like it or not, God forgives you. When you pray and repent, God will forgive you. I too have my own struggles and sin however i do my best to look pass them. Because if we keep looking at our problems, something bad will happen. SO? Look pass it and just continue to love God. Trust me! :)
We're all in this together :) .Everything's going to be fine, just remember to press on! Keep Smiling and the world will be a better place.
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Bakau, Sengkang.
Haha, just learn from it no worries. Woo hoo. Singing tomorrow weeeeee. Fun. But it is a little tiny bit retarded. Because there will be 3 guys singing. I can't harmonize so it is really sad to have 3 guys singing. I don't think i can harmonize, i can only sing in a different tune. Hmmm.
And sunday, CONGRATS on the two girls getting baptized. Good Good. Singing on sunday? Hmmmm. :) Oh if Larine comes we'll talk to her and bring her to church. Haha.
My bed is super comfortable. If you laid down on my bed before you would know ;). And my bolster is super amazing. It has like my smell... Haha. Also not forgetting. Chix Chix's beside me, staring at me. Don't laugh! I forgot how to spell his name.
Okay. What's that sound i hear........ "Ben....Ben...." My bed calling me to go.. so....... Bye. See you all at CULTURE NIGHTS! :)
Thursday, May 29, 2008
come back home soooon
Oh today i did a lot of work again at school. When i was done i headed to run with Adrian Chen. Ahh.. Tomorrow's cell, i playing for the lovely IANNY. But sorry ianny, i have no guitar to practise with so... we have to see how it goes tomorrow. :) I'm sure God will help ! :) Tomorrow will be ian's last cell if i am not wrong. We all love you Ian :)
That's all for today then. Can't think of anything else to write. This weekend would be super exciting :)
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
wednesday, prayer group day.
Attachment is ending soon man this is week 7, we end in week 15 or 12 not so sure. Don't worry too much Anna, about your hand. I really believe that God will heal you tonight. Even if he does not. He will surely heal you. Just like he healed me. But since God healed you a little when you prayed at home, i'm sure he will heal you later on. I would be praying before the group starts later and he will definitely touch you.
Okay friends. Church is coming coming coming. Excited? No? BE EXCITED. Everything will turn out alright. Just keep your mind focused on God. So how, who else other than zhong de wants to date me for dinner? Hahaha! Be smart, think smart. God wants to use everyone only if you let him. Ask HIM for your purpose, he's the only one who can tell you :)
Here's a little baby sleeeeeeeeeeeping.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008
1.37 P.M
So now it's holidays for you guys? Haha. I wish i could go out with you guys man. But sadly i have attachments. Well. BUT! You could ask me out for dinner :) I would love to dine with you. Ask me out ask me out. Wahaha. :)
Be patient now, i'm still waiting.. .. ..
Side Note. Shaman King ended! :( Nooooooooooooooooooo. It's quite a nice show you guys should watch haha. Short too. 64 Episodes dont have to get addicted for so long. Haha. Wish me luck he's coming soon i think i can almost smell my supervisor........... smelly. Kidding. ;)
Monday, May 26, 2008
monday blues clues
Anyways i decided to blog because i am super bored now with the work that i am supposed to do. I was just thinking about Pastor Satish's Message to us. About the palm tree.
..... the trunk of the palm tree is always rough. The message was really good. Okay for the benefit of those that did not go for service on sunday, a reminder for you guys which is that the life of a Christian is never easy. Why? Because we are obeying what God wants us to do. Sometimes we might think to ourselves, hmmm why can't i be like my friends in school. They can do whatever they want without even thinking. Scolding vulgarties, smoking or even partying or clubbing. Well. It's true that living in the world would be much easier BUT! It's not worth it!
Let's think far ahead. Everything is in God's control whether we like it or not. So what else can we do but abide by the things that God has called us to do, be it studying or serving him in the little ways. It is not easy to do that, sometimes we might fall and stumble over our mistakes but what's important is not the mistakes that you make but rather standing up again. That is why you have your friends with you. This people i tell you, will never give up on you. Okay just in case you dont have people like that, AT LEAST YOU HAVE ME. Hi. We're not alone. We have God and our friends to push each other to what our purpose is.
And friends, be faithful in the small things that God has called us to do. ;)
Always be trusting God. If there are things that you want to do, can!
Leave it at the back of your head.
Pray about it and God will give it to you when he feels that you can handle it.
Trust him. Just like what i am doing now. You do that too.
Be patient and wait.
On a side note. I want to be a Shaman because it's quite cool.. HAHA thanks to the stupid anime.
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Thursday, May 22, 2008
Nose says, "@$^&%^&%#$@!$%@^*&^(*$#%%#!%#^$@%$"
Throat replies, "........................................................................."
Ben ends off by saying, "Sengkang? ? ?? ? ? ? ? ?"
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
Sunday, May 11, 2008
1. Do you wish to get married?
2. What do you want the most now.
My mind to be focused.
3. Who is the person you trust most?
My buddies.
4. Do you think you have enough confidence?
Depends on the situation.
5. If you can have a dream come true, what would it be?
Family and friends saved.
6. Are you satisfied with yourself?
Nope :)
7. What are you afraid to lose now?
The people that i love that are around me.
8. Do you believe in eternal love?
9. What would you do if HE/SHE hugged you?
Erm. I can't do much. Hug back?
10. What do you like most about yourself?
My idiotness.
11.What kind of people do you hate?
I am doing my best to love everyone.
12. What feelings do you hate the most?
13. Do you trust every friendship of yours?
14. Do you treasure your family?
15. What is the most important thing in your life?
My relationship with God.
16. What do you regret most in your life now?
Not being able to have met God earlier.
17. Who do you hope to be always there for you?
God and my buddies.
18. Are you happy now?
19. What kind of friend do you hope to be in your friends' eyes.
A friend that will always be there for them no matter what or where, i'll be there.
20. Would you do something (that you have always been afraid of) if the person you loved asked you to do so.
Depends. If it's height related then it would be quite scary. But if she does something that she's afraid of, i would do it.
21. What are you crazy about now?
22. Who are the people who have stood by you when you really were at the worst point of your life so far?
Gavin, Weeleong, Gordon and God.
23. What is on your mind now?
Everything. If you know me, you would know what my mind is like.
Remove one question from above and add in your personal question. Make it a total of 20 questions. [I don't understand the instructions so I'll pretend I didn't see it.] Tag 8 people in your list, list them out at the end of this post. Notify them in their chatbox that he/she had been tagged. Whoever gets this tag would have a blessing from all [Is that so?]
Haha. All random names. Do if you want to. I'm cool. :)
1. Junhao
2. Brian
3. Joshua
4. Reagan
5. Luke
6. Gavin
7. Jolina
8. Alloy
Thursday, May 8, 2008
God is with you.
A bunny pops out of no where and takes the hole and throws it away.
TADAAAA! The devil gets thrown back to hell.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Wednesday, April 23, 2008
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
A Great Man of God
Saturday, April 19, 2008
Culture Band!
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Florence the 17 year old.
Some time ago, Florence was on her way to the airport to send her friend off to some country. The bus however that she was waiting for was taking a long time to arrive. The waiting time for that bus was usually about 10 minutes or so. However the bus took 50 minutes to come.. ..
During the 50 minute wait for the bus this was what happened.
Florence was sitting at the bus stop waiting for the bus when a dark-skinned man came over to wait for the bus too. The dark-skinned man however wasn't sitting down, he was standing up.
After about 10 minutes of waiting, Florence was puzzled because the bus usually came after about 10 minutes of waiting.
Florence then heard God tell her to stand up and wait for the bus if not the bus will never come.
With her injured knee, Florence decided to stand up although she did not know what God was talking about as she wanted to obey God. As soon as she got up, the dark-skinned man started to
talk to her. He started by asking her how she got the injury on the knee. Florence then explained to him and they started to talk for a bit, while waiting for the bus to come. Florence then noticed that he was holding the bible. God then used Florence in a special way.
Florence said, "Hey sir, are you from Nigeria?"
The man replied, "Yes how accurate!"
Florence then went on to tell the man which part of Nigeria he was from and the man was shocked! She then went on to tell the man that she knew he was a pastor. The man was obviously shocked again! The bus came and both Florence and the man boarded the bus.
Florence was reading some christian book and she came across the verse John 5:17, .. "the father is always working and so must the son." She then decided to ask God what he was doing then at that point in time so that she could do. God then showed her a vision, Florence saw that in the bus that she was sitting in, she saw a figure moving around the bus laying hands and praying for everyone on the bus. Florence then asked God, "Why are you so busy?" God replied, "Someone prayed to me asking that I touched and blessed everyone on this bus."
Florence then looked around and was quite pleased because someone actually prayed over the bus. God then proceeded to tell Florence that the man (The Nigerian Pastor) was the one who prayed over the bus.
Upon alighting, Florence couldn't take it she decided to ask the Pastor if he prayed for the bus and she did. The Pastor said "Yes! How accurate!"
This story is to show how God can show you visions and help you prophesy over the lives of others no matter how young you are :)
Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 16, 2008
My love, there's you only life
The only thing that's right
My first love, your every breath that I take
Your every step I make
And I
I want to share all my love with you
No one else will do
And your eyes
They tell me how much I care
Oh yes, you will always be my endless love
Two hearts, two hearts that beat as one
Our lives have just begun
I'll hold you close in my arms
I can't resist your charms
And love
I'll be a fool for you
I'm sure'Cause baby you, you mean the world to me
Oh I know I found you in my endless love
Oh and love, I'll be that fool for you
I'm sure
That you know I don't mind
And yes, you'll be the only one
'Cause no one can deny
This love I had inside
And I'll give it all to you
My love, my endless love
Saturday, March 15, 2008
After that we had cell. Man. Cell was fun but i screwed up worship leading. I think i suck! Haha... oh wellll. NVM! :)
Haha. It was glad that we had the outreach! :) Don't be disappointed even if people reject you okay because you know that you did your best right :) Smile :)
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
plaza singapura day.
after which i went to the hospital for my follow up check-up. Not for my lungs because i believe God has healed me in that area. But just some normal check up la to make sure that i am healthy :)
I then headed down to Plaza Singapura to meet Pastor Christian and the teamers. Meet was short but fun :) Spent rest of the day at plaza sing with junhao and ian for a while before meeting with the prayer group leaders :)
The chat with the leaders were great man. We've gotten to know each other so much more and i am thankful :)
Haha okok. tomorrow must work again..... but it is cool :) Then tonight i think i'll head down to PS again to buy some stuff and have dinner with some buddies.
Haha. I hope you enjoyed yourself today :) As much i did. Smile :)
Monday, March 10, 2008
mentoring was fun. we completed the book! Yay!
on the side note..
i have always been scared of you, since so long ago. I am still praying that you'll love me and really care for me. But i guess it won't happen but i will still believe. haha. i look up to you but i really want to be your friend. :)
hello! study hard okay! press on and you'll do well for your studies! study now then later in the week can enjoy ;) smile :)
Sunday, March 9, 2008
sunday sunday
Chit chatting was fun. Then we moved on to church. Church was good. Pastor Francis' sermon was about filling up your passion meter for God. Only then you will be able to go beyond and do more such as reach out and stuff. If you don't fill your passion meter, you will just feel bored and in the end not go anywhere.
After church we had a couple of meetings and then off we went for lunch. LUNCH was not nice because the kway chap wasn't as good as usual. The pig intestines had shit inside and it wasn't tasty at all. So ya we just ate the duck and friends.
We then headed down to dhoby ghaut to play arcade and then went home. Haha that was it.
I have to trim my hair and maybe..... just maybe... colour it. With some of the P.S I love you buddies. :) Till then. Take care now :) Smile :)
winterbell score: 277007850
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
woooooo another one
I could stay awake just to hear you breathing
Watch you smile while you are sleeping
Far away and dreaming
I could spend my life in this sweet surrender
I could stay lost in this moment forever
Well, every moment spent with you
Is a moment I treasure
I don't wanna close my eyes
I don't wanna fall asleep
'Cause I'd miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
'Cause even when I dream of you
The sweetest dream will never do I'd still miss you, babe
And I don't wanna miss a thing
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :) Yes. Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeet :)
outreach project
Anyways wee leong came over to stay and we're watching a few videos before we sleep :) Haha sooo yea.. i'll talk to you more tomorrow :)
Junhao's sick btw. Pray :)
Tuesday, March 4, 2008
ps chris
Morning badminton :) It was fun. We met Junyi, TT's friend. He's a nice guy. Tried inviting him to church but..... who knows.
After which i went to Junhao's house and something happened. He got lucky. That's all he posted.. so that's what i shall post. Anyways. I followed Junhao to NYP to attend his prayer group. Met Gavin but didn't have prayer group with them. I sat somewhere closed to them and did my own quiet time with God. Haha :)
LEADERS NIGHT was awesome. Pastor Chris spoke to us. So much to tell you guys but can't tell you now :) Give me a call and i'll share with you what he taught us. :)
After which we went to eat prata together and then took a bus home :) Today was a blessed day.
Hope to see you soon :)
Sunday, March 2, 2008
you're still loving me.
Church was wonderful today. I was called up to be a temporary altar worker to catch people when they were getting touched by God. Then our dear Pastor Adrian came up to me and asked if i was there for prayer, i said nah, i was just helping to catch people. He said okay and walked away. 2 seconds later he turned back and said, i feel God tell me to pray for you. And he did. The moment he held me and started praying, tears just started to roll down my eyes. I didn't even know that i would cry that much. I know i had stuff i had to do to re focus my life to God but i didn't know why. I just kept crying because i really felt sad for really not living up to God's standards.
I got a touch from God.. Let's see where it goes from here. Will i multiply my talents and gifts for him? I don't want to say i would here and not do it in "real life". We'll see. Trust God. :)
Friday, February 29, 2008
Thursday, February 28, 2008
Working at church office is really fun. I did a couple of stuff and some stuff i didn't do but hey. It's fun isn't it. Oh nooooo but cell's on tomorrow. Haha scared.. Never practise guitar for a while now because my guitar is spoilt. But trust God. weeeeeeeeeeeee!
I don't want to lose this feeling.
it has always been about me.
No one else.
All this have to stop.
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
reachhhhhhh outttttttt
I think tonight wee and i will be staying over at Gavin's place then we can go to work together tomorrow at church office. weeeeeeeeeee. We'll be playing songs on the guitar and singing and singing. We did so on monday but i wasn't really in the mood then so my voice was kuku and so was my playing. But TONIGHT will be different i am so in the mood to sing and play.
Haha can't you tell that i am happy. Well i told you all that if you have any problems, turn them to Jesus right? Yup i did it and that's why i am happy now. There's nothing too big to solve! :) If you're happy, i'm happy! :) If you can't smile? Let me know because....
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Retarded but meaningful

Whatever happens or whatever you are. We will be side by side.
love song mood in the morning
Monday, February 25, 2008
monday night
Okay i did talk to gavin and wee leong. It went pretty well. Can't say that i'm feeling much better now but hey slowly i will feel better. My mood wasn't exactly the best today. But don't worry i won't cry i think. We played some stupid games together and it really cheered me up. Gavin's special games.
I am sitting here in my chair and my head's killing me i got a bad headache now. I feel like i am floating. I feel very bad now. My head is really floating and as i am typing this.. so many things are running through my head it's not funny.
Okay anyways i am cool. Just gotta have some rest and hopefully tomorrow will be a better day :)
For those who still have school enjoy it! Don't get too stressed up with school work. Yes and
Keep smiling :) Yes smile not otherwise.
holiday begins..
We played a bit of basketball in the morning. Quite fun. :) Here i am waiting for Gavin to finish bathing so i can go over to his house for a bit before meeting wee leong or dinner and talk session. I hope i will talk to Gavin later on the way to his place as well as at his house.
People out there if you have anything bothering you, talking to your buddy would be a wonderful thing. However stupid it might be just talk to that one person that you're close to.
I'm sorry my post is not really making sense but hey! AT LEAST i am still posting. Haha.
However difficult things maybe, it is not difficult for God amen? Though human -ly wise it's hard to control one's emotions and thoughts. For me thoughts are the biggest thing that can kill me. I think a lot and when i think.... it's no joke haha. But then again God made me this way. No matter what happens just praise God and everything will be fine.
Things might not go the way you want it to but certain things must be done for the greater sake of everyone. So yup :)
Take care now.
Sunday, February 24, 2008
I decided to think through about my life. It's just me really. However hard i might think i can, i still fail sometimes. I thought i could do it. I really can't. I don't feel like doing anything. Now my thoughts are coming in again to kill me. I don't understand why.
but i believe that God can help me. God is great amen.? :) Humans are weak.
Saturday, February 23, 2008
youth service
I guess that's true, you don't have to preach. Just be nice to people around you and they will see that you're different and nice and talk to you. When they do, tell them it's because of God's love and slowly they will come to know the lord. Keep it up Culture Youth. Keep bringing friends. We got like quite a fair bit of people but we can bring more amen?
Just have the heart for the lost and unloved. The rejects. Don't choose who you want to bring. Just bring anyone. I am sure there are rejects in your school that you know and that you can invite them but you are CHOOSING who you want to bring. Don't choose. Bring. It's hard i am trying my best too :)
Good nights :) See you tomorrow :)
Friday, February 22, 2008
last paper weeeeeee!
Luke Chyi wei and i decided to take a cab home after prayer meeting but there was no sign of any cabs at all. Then God decided to help us. Timmy called us and said that Pastor Jimmy could give us a lift and that he was just waiting at the bus stop! WEEEEEE! We got home early. The ride home was wondeful, we chatted and played haha. Okay so now i am like going to sleep soon man. Hope to see you all tomorrow. Cell's going to be fun amen? See you tomorrow.
OH YAH i will change my blog skin to something else la. I will change a nicer one! HAHA.....
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
okay i am so retarded
Anyways, i am not sure why but somehow there's a lot of emotions going through me man. My tests, taking my walk with God to the next level and friends stuff. These things are just going through my head. A lot to do but i can do it if i rely on God amen? :)
Haha friends friends. Things are happening to the people around me that i cannot do anything about. I hope when i see you guys at cell, you would give me the chance to talk to you and to help you. We all really love you. Please know that! Hang out with us more and you'll grow, not get depressed really. I know how you feel remember i told you i felt like that before? Let me help :)And you! Please let me know what's going on in your life man. I am always here for you dude. Please continue devotions and not lack and dream about other things.
and YOU! Hope to you soon :) Yes you!
Haha i am not naming names. If you feel something when you're reading this yes it's you :)
Here a little something for you :
If I had to live my life without you near me
The days would all be empty
The nights would seem so long
With you I see forever oh so clearly
I might have been in love before
But it never felt this strong
second paper day
The paper was alright i guess. I finished it in about 1 hour 10 minutes. After which i went over to JUNHAO's house to watch some oldies singer dude sing and played x box for a bit before heading down to town to get luke brother his present. 4 of us shared your present luke. You better love it. :) Not telling you what i bought in case you do read this blog. HAHA.
So junhao and i went home from town after dinner and gelare. We were on the bus and we saw buddy Laura. Haha who went to watch a movie with her friends. We chatted for a bit....
.... so here i am getting ready to sleep. Tomorrow's a free day. It's your birthday Luke. Grow strong in God :) I hope i can pass you the gift tomorrow if not a bit sad.... to pass it to you belated. Hope to see you tomorrow :) Happy birthday brother!
- Whatever decisions that God makes for you is for you. Where he places you, what he wants you to do, it's all his plan. So go where God leads and touch the world :) Yup. You know what i mean ;) (F)
Monday, February 18, 2008
1 paper down.. 2 more to go! #$%@$#%@$#%@#
Haha i am lazy to start studying for the paper tomorrow. HOW! But guess what i must do it. :) Must try to be excellent. I guess i will study in a while. I will just relax..... for a bit....
Anyways. wee bro and i were talking about some stuff that we should plan for the coming march holidays! For who? Our lovely zone people :D Haha yes we will plan something together. Don't worry if it's planned by us should be fun. Haha.
On the way home i was just thinking about some people and stuff and i got reminded of "tissue paper". Haha what about it? I always believe that all girls carry tissue paper except for some stubborn ones.. HAHA. Some are making the effort to bring! Like you. I appreciate it. Okay no meaning but decided to post anyway.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
tired tired
I woke up at like 7 then went back to sleep again until my mom woke me up at 7.24am. I showered and headed down to the busstop to meet with Chyi Wei and Clarence. As usual i am the earliest. Haha. I saw Josh there though. He was waiting for the Hokkaido Boys. So we took the bus and wee bro boarded the bus a few stops after.
Why did we go so early? To help Clarence and Alloy prepare verses for their wonderful outreach plan! Haha Yup! And it was good. Timothy was there too. So yea that was my morning.
Service was wonderful. Talked about stretching out our hands to people. In other words, to reach out, the area where we are all not so good at :( One thing that Pastor Rob said was that in the whole bible, the word "Invitation" is not in it. What he meant was that by right we are supposed to "Bring" people to church not "Invite" them to church. It's a command not an invitation. Yea. Wonderful.
After service we had the wonderful prayer group meetings. As usual, 3 cheers for all prayer group leaders :) Especially Mark and Laura who just started theirs! Okay, i bought subway and ate it on the way home. Went home with Clarence, Luke, Josh and Lye Junhao. xD
Here i am bored. Must study but feeling very tired. I woke up at 6.30pm after a one hour powernap and i must thank my guy and girl buddy for waking me up if not i sure sleep till morning :)
Amazingly long post today but yea gotta study and please pray for all poly kids for their exams to be over! THANK YOU.
Oh yea before i forget, I went home.. saw my sister and i said. "Come with me to church." Haha i didnt invite i asked her to come. She was stunned and she said okay. Hopefully she comes.
Thursday, February 14, 2008

Yes Camera!
My mother bought this camera! Haha cool right! Yay! Now i can take more pictures at like fun fun events that we will have this year ! Hopefully nicer pictures of myself xD!
Okay okay. Today i woke up at like 12 and started to study. As i was studying halfway, the internet started to lag real bad. So i couldn't study, i hate to go to school to buy the book. THANKFULLY, Vina offered to pass me her book since she have already studied. So thank you. Anyway i already treated her to a drink. lol. I studied with weeeeeee bro till about 8. Our original plan was to study till 10! But failed cuz wee bro was tired!
Haha so i am at home now blogging.. then i will bathe.. relax for a bit then back to revision. I had a great day today. Yes with you of course :) Valentines day...... haha another normal day.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
prayer group > unexpected outreach
I didn't really study much today. I think i must study tonight. I got a lot to study and i would really need your prayers people. Haha tomorrow's valentines day. A fun and loving day to spend with your loved ones.. Hmm yes you. A flower for you (F) Haha visualise it.
A time for friends to share love for one another but there's exams so we'll share love another day i promise :) Okay i am waiting for dinner to come home... where are you my dinner. i love you so.. please fill me up so i can grow! Haha.. Act like rhyme.
Okay see you tomorrow blog..
Monday, February 11, 2008
start of study break
Hello world. Chinese New Year was fun. Went around visiting and yep of course collected ang pao.. Haha how much? Don't tell you. Church was good. Pastor Francis talked about the holy spirit and the word being one. The testimony was wonderful by our wonderful Elaine's mum.
Pray for the exam to be over please! :)
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
joss sticks
After which i went to grandma house. On the way to my grandma's house, i suddenly had this thought that my grandfather would ask us to offer joss sticks to my great grandmother. I was sort of scared so i prayed to God saying that if i really had to offer the joss sticks i would do it.
I would not honor the act but rather i would do it just not to make trouble in my family and i prayed to God for forgiveness although i didn't do it with the intention but i still did the act.
GUESS WHAT! My grandfather did ask me to offer .. i decided to say wait. Then hours passed... and he forgot about it and here i am at home :) HAHA GOD ROCKS!
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
bass rocks my socks
I came home and immediately try my bass again. IT WORKS :) I did some crazy stuff on my bass guitar and my hand went cramp! Haha wooo hooooo the wonders of what i can do with my bass.. will be a secret until further notice :) HAHA. Practise....
Sunday, February 3, 2008
sunday.. the day of rest.

After church i went to buy my new bass amp as you can see! Haha then i rush home because i have to study for a test tomorrow. :)
Been thinking about alot of stuff about this year. New year, new roles, new responsibilities. I want to really serve God this year. I pray that God will give me the strength right now. I really am thankful for certain people in my life helping me whenever i have problems or thoughts in my head. You know who you are. We have to watch our relationships with people because it's very important. It's true that you can get close to certain people and some you can't but still treasure those that you are close with. For they are the people preventing you from falling away from God but instead getting closer to God.
Okay tomorrow's my test. Pray :)
Sorry if the Cry on my shoulder song lyrics made anyone of you emo or sad. :) Wasn't my intention. Stay smiling :)
Friday, February 1, 2008
fun friday
Today i went for blood donation with yan wen and vina. This was my first time and i was kinda of scared because i didn't know if my body could take it. My mother would never allow me to do it because she thinks that my body is weak and that i can't even take care of it still want to act like donate blood. So....... i did it without telling her. It is wrong i am sorry! But i can save lives just by donating that amount of blood.
For cell, we went to church office to wrap oranges for Chinese New Year. After cell we took the 176 bus home again. I really love going home together with my 176 buddies. We joke, poke and disturb each other haha. Oh yea we would have talks from time to time as well. Sometimes i wonder what i would do without Culture. A place where there's fun, a place to grow spiritually, a place almost like family. I thank God for you guys. Really you have given my life more joy and meaning since the day i came in and joined in the journey to knowing God.
Ben loves Culture :)
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
1. Something very valuable that a close friend once gave you.
2. A relatively close friend.
So basically you choose between the item that your old close friend gave you or your existing close friend who is in the ocean.
Some pointers to note:
1. Your friend can't swim.
2. You cant ask your friend to retrieve the item for you and then you save him.
Choose... I believe that some would choose the item. While others would choose the friend. hehe what about you!
Monday, January 28, 2008
emo but nice
If the hero never comes to you
If you need someone you're feeling blue
If you're away from love and you're alone
If you call your friends and nobody's home
You can run away but you can't hide
Through a storm and through a lonely night
Then I show you there's a destiny
The best things in life
They're free
But if you wanna cry Cry on my shoulder
If you need someone who cares for you
If you're feeling sad your heart gets colder
Yes I show you what real love can do
If your sky is grey oh let me know
There's a place in heaven where we'll go
If heaven is a million years away
Oh just call me and I make your day
When the nights are getting cold and blue
When the days are getting hard for you
I will always stay here by your side
I promise you I'll never hide
EMO but nice. :)
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
need prayer like please!
Thank you friends. :)
Saturday, January 12, 2008
Man of God
What does it mean to be a disciple of Jesus? To love others because he first loved us. We must really get to know God. I ask myself if i really know God.. Well. actually i don't really know him. I have to know him more through his word. I want to hear God and i will make that effort to read his word more so that i will be able to hear him clearly.
We're hole because we are in the presence of God.
Well here i am blogging before i head off to the showers then to worship God with my instrument at church office. =) God is going to move powerfully later on during service like he always does. If you can't feel him, all you have to do is just talk to him. Pour down your burdens to him and he will just touch you back. Open your hearts people. See you. :)
Thursday, January 10, 2008
God Connects
Then i started recalling Vina. When Gordon brought me to church, i met Vina. When the results of which school we got posted in, Vina was in the same school as me. See how God connects?
Remember my friend Adrian. I brought him to Culture and he got along alright. Adrian knows Nick Tang. See how God connects?
Joshua Simons came to church just recently. Meiling brought him or something i guess. I made friends with him, not knowing that i actually knew HIS SISTER. Because our sisters are actually friends/classmates. See how God connects?
If i can think of any more connection i will post it :) I am in class now. I hope after class i get to buy my sister her birthday present oh and Abby too:) Haha Happy birthday you two!
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
school at home :)
Okay. So now i having my break time ! 2 would be my next lesson. So i decided to blog like for a few minutes. Yesterday was fun. I went down to church office to watch the hokkaido boys jam :)
I will be having prayer group later... at 5 30 i think i have to rush down as soon as my fake online school ends at like 5! HAHA. If you're confused it's okay i am confused too.
Okay! Reminder that we should read the bible more. Even myself. We should follow the church's heart which is to finish the bible this year! Haha:) Hey for those who feel lost and confused. God is real even if you cannot feel him okay? Even when you sin and sin and sin, God still forgives you. It seems that he would never forgive you sometimes but hey :) He does. Just pray and read yr bible more and you will feel God more. IF you ever feel far from God, speak to a friend. We will definitely pray and seek God together :)
okay okay! Lesson starting! Goodbye. :)
Friday, January 4, 2008
bolly bolly!
For today, for the whole lesson the teacher played a movie for us to watch some bolly movie which was quite interesting. I like the story line but there were a lot of dancing parts which became quite irritating after a while. HAHA. But overall it was a good movie. I really learnt a thing or two about India families. How much respect each member of the family get and stuffs like that.
I am relaxing at home now i guess i will do my stuffs first before attending cell later :) Cell will be great man! Still praying for Yanwen. He's coming on saturday :) Thank you people for helping me persuade him to come :) I want to see him saved man! PLEASE!
Okay tonight after cell it will be a time of................... C.S! YAY!
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Other than stomache i guess my life has been good. I will still be trying to reach out to more people this year, i guess with twice the effort. UNLEASHED to our schools remember? Prom was great. Every one looked great - Guys looked cool, Girls look prettty :) Haha not one of you looked ugly so DONT EVER THINK THAT YOU LOOK UGLY. :) God made us beautiful !
I guess the one goal that i want to set for this year is to read the whole bible within this year. I am actually scared to set this goal but i hope that you guys can remind me. I know that 2008 is going to be a great year for me. More responsibilites and more to do but hey! If i don't try i would never know i am up to the job right? :) But i hope i can really grow more in christ and as a leader. I want to use my strengths more for God and to help people. My buddy once told me - Your greatest strength can be your greatest weakness too. Okay then if i have more things to blog about i will later :) BYE!
LEVI ROCKS BTW i love you all tribe mates :D